Tuesday 29 November 2011

Thriller Screenshots Analysis

The first screenshot I am analysing is a scene for the film The Dark Knight. It is one of the most famous scenes from the film as the Joker character walks away from an exploding hospital. I find this shot so effective as it is a very psychotic looking character covered in face paint walking away with a highly emphasised sign saying 'Emergency' behind him. This is a wide-range, one shot, displaying a intense focus on the main character and his surroundings. As for Mise En Scene, the character, the Joker is very contrasting, this is because he is dressed in a hospital outfit that symbolises help but he has very unusual and somewhat disturbing face paint on, representing evil/villain.

This screenshot is taken from another well-known Thriller title, Pulp Fiction. It is of two men dressed very formally, which gives them elements of authority and makes them appear very important, they are also carrying guns each. This implies that they are maybe the undercover good characters, perhaps the police. The shot used here is a two-shot, it is used simply to focus on the two characters, to show the level of their importance and that they are the main characters to the audience.

This final screenshot is taken from the film Inception, it is of one of the totem's used in the film to define real life or dreams. This shot is a close-up on a specific object. This is maybe used to display the action of the object and to demonstrate the importance of the object. From my own knowledge I know that this playsa significant role in the film.

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