Wednesday 30 November 2011

Shot Types For Preliminary

180 degree rule- A rule that states that states when two characters are initiating in a scene should always have the same left/right relationship to each other this helps orientating the viewer.  If you break the 180 degree line it can disrupt the scene. We will use this in our preliminary when the the antagonist who walks through the door sits down and initiates a conversation with the other character. The camera will change focus depending on whos speaking.

Cut- Sudden change of shot from one viewpoint or location to another. They occur very often because they change the scene, compress time, vary the point of view and build up an image or idea.

Matched cut- A cut between to shots which match graphically, the familiar relationships make the change seem smooth. We will show this is our preliminary by filming the character from behind walking to and opening the door then we will use a match cut and will have a frontal view of the character walking through the door.

Close up- This is a shot at very close range and focusing on something. We will do this by using a close up on the door handle when the character opens it.

over the shoulder shot- A shot taken in the perspective of the camera angle, this makes it third person. We will use this by looking over the shoulder of the antagonist walking down the stairs.

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