Tuesday 15 November 2011

Silence Of The Lambs (Editing)

- Special effects are used in the opening sequence to create effective opening titles,
- Names of the main actors are added over the top of the opening clip,
- Match cuts are used to pull together different effective camera angles to create different effects,
- The match cuts are introduced in the foggy setting in the woods, they create a sense of mystery and curiosity and begin to build up tension,
- Match cuts gain pace as she runs through the woods, this represents tensions building. The rate then slows when the audience realise she is not being chased or running away from something,
- There is a jump cut from her in the woods to the more city setting, this jump cut is effective as it is coupled with a more ariel introductory type shot, this clearly shows the audience the scene has now switched and there is a new location being focused on,
- It is different to a horror film as the cutting rate would have been a lot faster-paced and the shots and angles would have been more cutting and sharp.

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