Wednesday 30 November 2011

Font Research (Taxi Driver)

It is clear that if we can want to create a impressive Thriller opening scene it is important to include very effective opening titles.

I wanted to research some different ways other Thriller films create such unique fonts to fit and set the scene. So using the website I studied the film Taxi Driver as it has incredibly effective opening titles as the font matches the scene, it looks like it is straight from the Taxi.

In this films opening credits it begins with firstly, some very modern red wording displaying the main companies and actors involved in the film. Then it fades into a smoke screen that appears to have come from the exhaust of a taxi. It then begins to clear as a taxi reverses through it, this helps set the scene instantly, it displays what the film will be about. As the taxi continues to reverse out of the shot it reveals the title of the film. 'Taxi Driver' is displayed in a font that is clearly associated with taxi's, orange and like the font used on the top of a taxi to show it is operating. This is very effective as it links directly in with not only the screenplay but what the film will be about. The titles continue to roll displaying other main actors, the font is still in the normal taxi font but light up to add emphasis to them, this is very creative as it creates an animation on the text to draw attention from the audience to the names. What happens next is they include more bold orange fonts, with a blurry coloured background. This makes the sharper text on top stand out more from the more blurry colours in the background.

I think that it is important that when we have thought of an idea for our opening Thriller scene we relate the text to the story as it is very creative and sets a great scene just from the opening titles.

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