Wednesday 30 November 2011

Rear Window Alfred Hitchcock

We looked at rear window in the class and i thought that it was a good thriller opening. This is because it is very different to all the other thrillers because it isn't mysterious and tense like the other ones we have looked at it is more happy and jolly.

The film starts off with the titles rolling right at the beginning so the characters and the the director Alfred Hitchcock it also shows that Alfred Hitchcock is one of the main people in it because his name comes up last but this could also be the case because he has directed other great films in his life. Then it goes into an American city and you can tell that its the morning because they use light tones and you see people getting up from there bed. Also it is a bit mysterious because you see a cat go up the stairs and this could mean that there has been bad luck happen to someone or is about to happen. The camera scrolls round on a lot of people and how that get up in the morning so two people sleeping on a balcony and a girl is in the shower. Then the camera focuses on a man in a wheel chair that has a broken leg and on his cast he has written "here lie the broken bones of L.B Jefferies" this seems comical and not something people would associate with a thriller. then the camera focuses on a broken camera and lots of pictures that seem to be taken in dangerous positions and it makes the consumer wonder if it was something to do with the camera for why he broke his leg. After that there is a match cut for when the man is awake and he is talking on the phone they had shot this seen well i think because when the man is talking on the phone but then he gets distracted by the girls in the windows and the consumer only hears the first part of the conversation then you keep getting distracted with the girl dancing in her window which gives the consumer the same effect that the actor is playing.

There are a lot of camera shots in this film it starts off with a establishing shot of a city and that straight away tells the consumer where they are and what surroundings there in. It then goes into a closeup on the cat this could show that something mysterious has or will happen and it gives the audience that tense feel. It then does a closeup on a man who's asleep and it focuses on his forehead because he is sweating a lot this could mean that he is very ill or has something on his mind then it says that it is just very hot in the room because it does a close up of the thermostat and it shows that it is very hot in that room. It the does a few one shots and two shots of people getting out of bed and this gives the audience the feeling that it is morning and that everyone is just getting out of bed or getting ready for the day that lies ahead. Then it follows onto a few closeups on the cast a man has on with the comical words written then it starts to zoom out and you can tell it was the man from earlier with all the sweat. After that it focuses on the camera that is all smashed up this could show that this is a very significant piece in the film and closeups of all the pictures his taken may suggest that he is a photographer. It then moves into a one shot of the man picking up the phone speaking to someone then the camera turns and shows people again this time the cameras tilted to show the scale of the buildings so if the camera was tilted up he would be looking up and if the camera was down he would be looking down. it then moves into a one shot of a woman getting ready and it stays on her for a long time so u can tell that shes significant to the man in the wheel chair. then the camera tilts down to some one who lives bellow the other woman an the woman is looking up.

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