Tuesday 29 November 2011

Pulp Fiction Analysis

I have chosen to analyse the beginning of pulp fiction. Pulp Fiction starts of with a scene of two people sitting in a cafe and there talking about a robbery that has taken place and how easy it was. then they talk about there own experiences of robbing licker stores and the man of the two people sitting down says that he dosn't want to rob licker stores anymore. The way they talks about the robbery it seems a bit comical and they take it as a joke. after that they start to talk about robbing the cafe they are sitting in and how no one would stop them and how there insured so it will be very easy. so it kind of follows a thriller type of film because there is a crime about to happen. then it roles into the credits.

i will know explain this in more detail i will start off with the way the opening scenes use the camera shots in the first few minutes of the film. it starts off with a two shot of the male and female just sitting there they use the 180 degrees rule where they switch back and forth between the two characters talking. Then it goes into a close up of the waitresses face and her smiling this has the effect that she dosn't know whats going on and that she seems a nice person. that also goes into a close up of the female robber showing that she is happy and is trying to act normal. after that it moves into an over the shoulder shot just to show the male talking. then it goes into a closeup of the two robbers and this makes it so that your more focused into what they are saying and its more in depth. it also goes into a closeup on when they kiss this seems to be significant so it could mean that there in a close relationship. finally it goes into a shot were there are the two main characters in the shot but it more focuses on the female this could mean that she is a more dominating woman.

There was not much on the editing of pulp fiction they use a match cut when the waitress offers the female coffee. There re only a few other cuts and that is when the two robbers are talking about robbing the restaurant. this creates the effect of showing how the people react and the also use slow cuts so it dosn't build up the suspense of the film. Then they use a freeze frame to show that the action is just about to begin.

The Mise en scene of this clip is that they are wearing american type of clothing with the open Hawaiian shirt. it is also american with the diner because it is designed in an old type of american diner also it seems that it was set in about the 80s because of the fashion trend then and the clothing type.

The sound in the clip is only when the credits role they have chosen two recent songs and this is good because then it appeals more to audiences because they can relate more to the songs and it keeps the audience interested.  But it is a very odd song to play in a thriller because you normally think of the song to be more mysterious but the song is upbeat and happy.

finally the credits of the film are very plain and in bubble type of writing but they play all the main characters in a slow pace but the co actors scroll threw very quickly this is because they are less important then the main characters. also the have the main title going off in the background as all the famous actors flash up on the screen.

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