Tuesday 29 November 2011

'Psycho' Character Analysis/Breakdown

The normal 'Psycho' character that is portrayed in a Thriller film is often the villian. He/she is also quite often the killer or murderer of the film, they are associated as the unusual and strange character with either no real motive, to represent just losing it, or with a very specific motive like revenge. They are considered as crazy and often are the backbone of a successful Thriller film. They may also be a criminal, with some sort of disturbing background that could lead to why he/she is now the psycho. The character also sometimes has some kind of mental disabilities again leading to the way he/she acts and sometimes, depending on the brutality of the film, a specific psycho character will have a weapon that is a trademark weapon to them, they are associated with that weapon. A few examples of this may be an axe or a chainsaw. This in some ways represents the average Thriller psycho and what they may appear as and actions that they may take to give them a sense of unusualness and strangeness. Here are two well known psycho characters from big films.

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