Tuesday 29 November 2011

Goodfellas Analysis

I have chosen to analyse the Goodfellas. This is a typical thriller because it starts off with a murder. 
the film starts off with three people travailing in a car and they hear a noise. they open the boot and you see an injured person lying there then a man walks up and stabs him then another guy shots him. This kind of shows that there in a gang. Then it goes into a narrator voice and a man who could be the main character is saying how he has always wanted to be a gangster and how he finds it better than being president.

The camera has a lot of different shots in this it starts off with a tracking shot of the car when it is moving along. it then goes into a close up of the three characters in the car but the closeup more focuses on the person who's driving so you would normally think the film is about him. it then does a closeup on the boot where the banging is coming from. after that it shows a close up of the person in the car getting stabbed which could mean that this is important. then it goes into a close up of someone standing in the window with a tilt on the camera this could show importance then theres another close up on the hand of the of a man shutting a car door and he had rings on his fingers this could show importance in a gang.

it starts off with a match cut of when it goes from the outside of the car and then the inside. then it moves into another jump cut when they are out the car and about to stab someone. then they use a final match cut when then man is looking down on the other man.

They use very posh clothing and this shows that they are from an upper class background because there wearing suits and you can also tell that it is very old because of the type of clothing they use and the props they use in the scene.

The sound in the clip starts off with hearing cars in the back ground this sets the scene that there on the motor way. they also use very good sound effects when the guy is stabbing the other guy. then when the titles are rolling they use jazz type of music which also sets the scene that its an old film. the old song just follows in for when the action starts which carries on setting the scene.

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