Wednesday 30 November 2011

Character research

The Blonde Girl

Is an absolute must have if your film is a low budget horror film. the blonde girl is almost always killed due to her own stupidity. The dumb blonde character doesnt feature for many minutes as they are soon killed by the scary killer.

Typical Films
Horror films or parodies of horror films. they are almost always the victim and as said earlier usually die within a few minutes of first being part of the film.

Always seen:
  • Wearing hardly any clothes
  • Falling over just as they are about to get away
  • Asking stupid questions
Typical quotes:

  • "i don't know what to do"
  • "what do i do now"
  • "whats happening to me ?"
The reason why i am researching different characters is because we are coming to the stage when we need to know as a group what kind of characters are going to be in our film. The dumb blonde research has given me an insight into why it's important to have a specific range of characters based on the kind of film yours is going to be. So our film is giong to be a psychological thriller  so therefore it's useful to know some of the things that a psycho killer would act and do.

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