Tuesday 15 November 2011

'The Dark Knight' Opening Scene Analysis (First 5m Thriller #2)

The opening titles of the film have been altered to try and set the scene of the film. For example all the companies involved usual opening title colours have been replaced with much more dark and gloomy colours. This shows a clear attempt to try and introduce the film as a Thriller, a mysterious film. This takes a good effect as it does succeed to set the scene and gives the audience acknowledgement of the type of film. Also special effects are used the opening sequence to give it more depth and create a larger effect. Then it cuts to a ariel shot to show the audience the surroundings from above. It is a city scene, then match cuts to a man wearing a clown-faced mask. This introduces the sense of mystery Thriller films are renowned for. A close-up is used on the man with the clown mask, then continues to zoom out to show more men also wearing clown masks. These men are interoperated as the 'villain's' of the film and the camera is on purpose focusing on the evil-like masked men, to emphasise the unusualness to create this view. A lot of match cuts are used when the men are entering the building, they are fast-paced to build tension and pull together the scene. Also jump cuts are used between the mens breaking in and the men in the van. There is a strong focus on the men in the van to portray that although there is a bank robbery, something bigger is happening here, that will introduce the main characters and lead on to introduce the rest of the storyline. Sound is made up mainly of the extremely loud gun-shots when the masked men are breaking into the bank. The sounds are very sharp and aimed to make the audience jump. This creates the scene as a classic tension building Thriller opening.

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