Wednesday 30 November 2011

Font research

Getting the right font for the opening titles and the rest of the film is vital in its success. I decided to look at what font famous thriller films had decided to use in order to get a good perspective of what good opening titles looked at.

I first looked at Pulp Fiction although i think it is a great thriller, i found the opening titles boring and it didn't make me want to keep viewing. Although it stood out i found it glum and not very distinctive. It didn't match the music and I didn't see the effect in using a yellow font.

I looked further and found what i thought was a great opening title and use of good font in Se7en i found their use of font effective because it seems a graphical font it also creates a sense of menace.They use very little colour and mainly keep it black and white effect and a flickering background effect like an old cinema reel makes it very atmospheric. It all builds up and uses layers and scratch noises which makes it foreboding. The whole trailer creates a very stark mood and leaves the viewer with a sense of uneasiness. The font
itself is quite basic but because they set it on a plain
background it has an excellent effect and creates a
good mood.

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