Wednesday 30 November 2011

Preliminary Task (Mystery Man)

We have planned to do the task in the courtyard outside reception. We have planned to film they walk through the room and we will film then from both sides of the rooms door to create a match cut. We will then make sure one of the characters walks up to the other and sits down on the bench next to them and then we will create a dialogue for them. We will use the 180 degree rule here so that the audience get a clear perspective of what the characters are saying/doing and their reactions. To make this feel more like a Thriller we will ensure the character who is walking is looking round as if he is a bit paranoid, this will give the scene a sense of tension and elements of suspense.


*Shake Hands*
Man 1: Whats up man? You got the gear?
Man 2: Yeah but it's in my bag,
Man 1: Well... could you go get it?
Man 2: ...No!


The shots we will use include:

a pan as he walks across the room
a close up on his hand on the door handle
a second pan as he walks out the door into the courtyard
180 degree rule of conversation on bench (close-ups)

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