Tuesday 22 November 2011

Questionnaire Results


After doing research through 20 Questionnaires, it showed that the majority preferred Psychological Thrillers, and would rather go to see them over Action-based Thriller films. This helps us, as now we are sure that people would rather see Psychological Thrillers so when we are in the process of creating our opening 5 minutes to a Thriller film, we will be sure to focus more on developing it around a more Psychological base, than an action base.

This question told us what people want from a Thriller. There is no greater knowledge than the knowledge from audience, being aware of what they look for and more importantly what they want in a Thriller film. The results in the graph show how many times a specific feature, for example 'Suspense' what circled. From this information we can gather that everyone we asked voted for suspense. This tells us that in our opening Thriller scene we make, has to involve some elements of suspense. There is no way that after gaining this information we are positive that under no circumstances we can miss out suspense. From analysing the results we can also find out that a good plot and soundtrack are important, so we will consider this also in the creation of the opening Thriller scene, to add some good sounds/music and a twisted, sinister-like plot/story.

In this question, we asked people to put these genres of films in order from best to worst. We then looked at the data and if an individual were to put say 'Comedy' as their top one, comedy would gain a vote in this pie chart. We can tell that comedy is the most favorite genre, this came as no surprise. Although we were shocked to find out that thriller was a highly voted genre as well. This was good for us as we could compare the results from someone who put thriller as their top genre, and others who put a different genre as their top and see what they preferred and liked in their films. This meant we could incorporate it into our opening thriller scene.

Define A Thriller:

The majority of people found it difficult to actually identify what a Thriller is, this may be because it is not one of the most popular film genres out of the genres we investigated. Also all terms that were bought up were similar showing that people are unaware on how to define a Thriller. This is important to us because this shows that we can exploit the situation and create all new ideas and use the other feature mentioned to create a effective and creative Thriller opening scene.

What Do You Expect In The Opening Of A Thriller Film:

Our audience told us that some key ideas they would visualize whilst thinking of the opening scene of a Thriller film include: elements of suspense, elements of tension, they also would think of a murder scene, some fast-paced music building tension/suspense a lot of fast match cuts, a lot of sharp close-ups and also for lighting to be very dull and dark to create a Thriller scene. What we can learn from this is simply that we can include all these ideas or at least take them into consideration whilst making our opening Thriller scene, this will help us include not only great ideas that will make the scene better but also ideas that our target audience want to see.

Favourite Thriller And Why:

The main Thriller voted for where Inception, The Dark Knight and Pulp Fiction. This is alone good for us as we can now be sure to research these films in the near future so we can analyse how their opening scenes are made so effectively to set the scene whilst including the main elements of Thriller, suspense, tension and mystery. We can learn a lot from researching these films about our target audience. As for why the people claimed they liked these films were all ideas revolved around a good story/plot and a good sense of suspense/tension. This is good because we now know what our audience want, and that we have to try and include these feature into our opening scene to make it interesting and what our audience want to see.

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