Tuesday 17 January 2012


It is important to consider the shots we will use in our opening scene to plan and keep the scene running smooth, this will add to the all round how professional the scene is and will help make the scene easier and clearer to film. Here is a list of shots we want to include:

Establishing shot of the forest
Pan of character, as he runs through forest
Close up of people shoes as they run through the forest
Close up of character on iPhone
Close up of headphones
Over the shoulder shot as two men approach the character
P.O.V shot from main character as he is running
Close up on hand as they grab his shoulder
Two shot of two men
Establishing shot of the warehouse
Close up on hand opening door
Match cut to wide angle shot of them closing the door
Low angle shot as the walk into the warehouse
Two shot of men in suits
One shot of main character
Close up of main character
Over the shoulder shot of the baseball bat being handed
P.O.V as character gets hit by baseball bat
Close up as he wakes
Close up of clock

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