Sunday 8 January 2012

Evaluation (Preliminary Task)

I think it is important to give a good clear evaluation of our preliminary task to outline what we did well and make it clear what elements we have to change to make the opening Thriller scene even better.

Firstly I am going to evaluate what we did well in the preliminary task. As the scene starts is shows an empty staircase and almost instantly reveals a hooded man walking down it. We made sure the camera at this point could not see his face, instead just the back of his hood. This kept the character mysterious and unknown. Then we used a match cut with the camera at the bottom of the stairs looking towards the character walking down the final steps of the stairs. This was effective as it cut out unnecessary parts of the clip and led to it looking much more professional. The character then continues to open the door and walk outside into the courtyard. We used a second match cut here, the first shot focusing on the characters hand grabbing the door handle and the second shot from outside, in the courtyard, watching as the door is opened and the character walks out. This again cut out unnecessary video and helps the scene look a lot more smooth, instead of the camera being behind him and following him out the door, it shows one shot from inside and one from out, more clear and much more professional. The next thing we did that was good was a great pan as the character walks from the door to the courtyard, very simple but very controlled as it was on a tri-pod. The final thing I think we did well was incorporate the 180 degree rule when the two characters exchanged speech. This made the dialogue flow a lot more and again added to the professional side of the scene.

However in talking about the things we did well, it is also important in a evaluation to consider the elements that were not so good and how the can be improved for our final piece. Firstly we need to make sure the setting for the scenes are a lot more fitting to the story trying to be portrayed as in the preliminary task we shot some kind of 'deal' in a very unfitting environment, a courtyard. One way we can avoid making this mistake in our final opening Thriller scene is to draw a huge focus to location and also be sure to pre-arrange a good and fitting location that lies in with the scene and story and also be sure to make it help create the well known Thriller environment. Another thing that was not perfect in preliminary task is were the characters meet, shake hands, and begin to exchange dialogue. The reason I believe that this can be improved is because, it seems a bit almost rushed and the positioning is a bit off. For example there is a clear cut between them shaking hands and just going to sit down when it cuts to them already seated. Situations like these should just be looked out for when doing our opening Thriller scene and try to be avoided to help the scene flow better, and make it look more professional.

I believe that our preliminary task was quite good, the shots were done well, and was the framing. Some of the cuts could be improved and we will make this apparent when creating our final opening Thriller scene.

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