Sunday 1 January 2012


Location is very important when filming a thriller as well as any other film. Having the right location is of great importance as it will help show the audience the kind of film it is and will allow the viewers to relate to it as well. The opening scene is a man walking through a forest to then come onto a road where he is taken into a van. The forest that we have chosen to use is  one that will work really well because i has a pathway that goes through it which is what the main character will be walking along, it gives us a chance to film multiple pan shots and zoom shots as well as a batman angle. the woods is very near a road so the majority of filming can be done in the same place.

The next location is a warehouse, this is also situated near the woods we are filming in. this is all god because it means we can get most of the filming done in quick succession allowing us to spend more time no editing. The fact that our filming is being done in a woods and a warehouse close to the woods will make the audience believe that it is all very far from civilisation. This corroborates the idea of  mystery and what the main actor is doing in a forest in a suit on his own.

The very last scene is gong to be in a bedroom. This will be something that the audience can relate to. Then when the knock on the door takes place it is so suspense because it is working on the fears of the audience as anyone would be frightened and worried if they heard a knock on the door during the middle of the night. No picture can be shown as we are not entirely sure where abouts or who's bed room will be the best to use.

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