Monday 23 January 2012

Things To Consider

It is important to think about and evaluate certain things to consider whilst filming our opening Thriller scene to help them scene come to life and at the same time be very entertaining.

- Props, we need to be sure what are the best props for what scenes and how will they be used

- Clothing, this is important as clothing will give an impression of a character and may stereotype them

- Location, we have agreed already on what location we will use to fit the 'Thriller' criteria

- Lighting, this is important because if the lighting is bad, say its to dark then it could ruin the whole scene, it must fit to the screenplay

- Dialogue, we need to make sure the dialogue is no more than needed, but enough to introduce what is happening

- Sound, this is so important because if the sound is muffled, you can hear the wind, of some dialogue is not clear enough, it could really effect our opening scene

- Best Shots, we want to be sure the shot we are using is not only appropriate but also the absolute best for the actions

- Angles, can be used to help create the scene

- Framing, very important we don't include to much unused area of miss out key features, therefor ruining the framing, it would have a huge effect on how professional the scene looks

- Credits, we need to be sure that these are consistent in matching with the story line of our opening scene

- Editing, we need to be sure that we don't have to much silence that hasn't been edited out creating gaps, or that we have cut a clip to short

- Effects, if any are used have to link with the story line and be effective and entertaining

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