Thursday 26 January 2012

Drafting (Old To New)

We changed the story for our idea fitting to two elements, firstly we changed it because we realised that we were giving to much away in those 2 minutes. This goes fully against what a classic Thriller opening should be, instead it should give away absolutely nothing but confusion to the audience, it should show multiple events and just intrigue the audience, make them want to know what is happening. Secondly we changed it because we wanted to make it as close to what our results shows from our target audience, we wanted to base it on exactly what they expect and want from a Thriller opening scene.

Some ways in which we have tried to achieve these aims are to firstly review all the feedback we got from our audience research and take into account what they wanted. These factors include build of tension and suspense, also a good soundtrack and finally a good story/plot. We have definitely taken these ideas into consideration and attempted to implement them into all areas of our opening scene as much as we could.

Secondly we wanted to not give as much away with our opening scene, so we have kept the locations and ideas but changed elements within them to create a better story and not give us much away. One example of this is that we have tried multiple times in our opening scene to flip the scene on its head, just when then audience are almost sure on somethings it turns out to be completely different. This will hopefully make the opening scene much more intriguing for our target audience, they will now hopefully be more confused with what is happening and want to watch on to see what is happening and why it is.

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