Wednesday 18 January 2012

Sounds Planning

The music we want to use when you first see the main characters walking/running. We want to use a Drum & Bass piece of music from the website FreePlayMusic.

We are choosing the either

'Data Disco' (2:03) - Found on Tech Grooves Vol 1.
'Ice Shiv' (6:22) - Found on Techstep Vol 2.

we will decide upon what music we will use when we try both out when filming and see which sounds the best and what fits the most to help the 'chase' scene come to life.

The other sound we want to use, is when the three men walk into the warehouse, we wanted a low bass sound to help it seem like the audience are being trapped inside with them.

We have chosen a sound from the website

This will help bring the scene to life and build tension.

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