Wednesday 25 January 2012

Audience Research We've Implemented

I wanted to make a post discussing some of the information we took from the results of our target audience research work and see how we have implemented this into our opening scene.

Firstly the opening scene shows a man having a dream and that what he is seeing in his dream is coming to life. This represents a Psychological Thriller not a Action Thriller. From the results on one of our questionnaire questions we know that over 2/3 of our audience prefer Psychologic over action. So it is clear that we have taken this into account and have based our Thriller scene around what our target audience clearly prefer. This is an attempt to base our opening Thriller scene around what our target audience want and in this attempt we shall hopefully create the ideal opening Thriller scene for our target audience.

Secondly, a question we asked, saying what do you look for in a good Thriller film. The top responses are a good soundtrack, suspense and a interesting and entertaining plot. When planning our idea we changed the full concept twice, in an attempt simply to make the story/plot much better and intriguing to the viewer. Also suspense we have tried to implement throughout our opening scene, when the characters are running at the start and as the they walk into the dark warehouse, we are attempting to make the audience feel locked in. We have take suspense and tension into consideration and have really tried to include it throughout the scene but at the same time not giving to much away. A good soundtrack was another request we had from our results, showing that our audience look for a good soundtrack and want the soundtrack to play a big role in their ideal Thriller film. We took this into account and went into great detail when looking for the best soundtrack. We have found two pieces of music that begin with a very alarming and disturbing low sound then up tempo and transform into a much more fast piece of music, fitting for the opening credits and chase scene in the woods. We new the importance of having a great piece of music to go with our opening scene and new that we had to find the perfect song for this, and we believe that we have done this, we believe we have found a piece of music that will fit with the scene and at the time build suspense and tension showing our focus on the audience research.

Finally what we have learnt from our audience research is that our target audience want fast paced and sharp cuts and a range of quick shots, they believe this is was makes a perfect Thriller opening, fast cutting to build tension. We have no doubt implemented these factors into our opening Thriller scene plan. As the men run through the forest we have planned for many different shots of feet running and fast side on shots to create sharp speed cuts. We have decided that will include a lot of cuts between the running coupled with the quick tempo Drum & Bass music, this should create fast and sharp cuts, creating tension and giving the audience no information why they are running. This will lead to confusion for the audience and will build up elements of suspense. Which is clearly what our target audience want to see in an opening Thriller film. I think it is clear we have fully taken into consideration the results from our questionnaire and have really thought about the feedback and tried in all ways possible to implement these ideas into our opening Thriller scene to make it a ideal opening scene for our target audience.

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