Saturday 28 January 2012


I wanted to make a post about how successful Thriller films and successful film companies have done specific things and used specific techniques to make their Thrillers more entertaining, and also if we could implement these ideas into our opening scene and what it would give us if we did.

One link that I want to be sure we make is credits. The way some films use specific fonts to help create a certain atmosphere and link it with the story and what the film will be about. A great example of this is the film Taxi Driver, they try to make the font really display what the film is about. If we managed to create a font with an animation that links with our story, I believe it would really give us a huge advantage in the effectiveness of the opening scene and how it looks all together.

A second link I would like to make, is how much more intriguing and successful and Thriller title is, if it continues to flip the story on its head. If what the audience are sure is happening is then flipped and something completely different happens, it really does make the viewer want to see more, and find out what happens and also helps build tension and suspense throughout. Many great Thriller films will give parts away and lead the audience to believe one thing is sure to happen, but the greatest Thrillers always find a way to change the story and shock the audience, which is what I want out Thriller opening to do for our target audience.

Finally a link I would like to make between very successful companies and Thriller films is the endless attempt to build suspense. All great Thriller films are renowned for their great ability to build up tension in all areas possible. One perfect example of this is the soundtrack used in Jaws. It is now so well known for building of tension and suspense because it was used so effectively throughout the Jaws films. I think if we managed to create a great amount of tension and build unique suspense with our opening Thriller scene it would lead to a much more intuiting and entertaining piece.

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