Tuesday 17 January 2012


Location is a key factor of the thriller because without a good location it would not set the scene for the thriller. it is also key because it could build the tension most of all more than the characters.

we have a few key locations, the first is on Newport road this is because it is a casual setting and it makes it seem like everything is normal and nothing strange going on but then this is where the main character gets taken hostage and is chucked in to the boot of a car then the next main scene is the warehouse this is opposite carver barracks this also sets the scene because the warehouse doesn't have a lot around it so it is a key part in are thriller to get an establishing shot of the area and the final key location is in the bedroom when he wakes up this is key because it could change the thriller completely and make it a really good thriller or a really bad thriller this is also the point that you find out that it was all a dream but that was until he sees 3.13 on the bedside clock next to him.

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