Sunday 1 January 2012


We will have to be very careful when filming in the wood. We have to make sure that the light is just right, if it is too dark then it will look cheap and badly done. We may want to consider filming during the day as this will again make the events that are about to take place even more surreal as it is during the day time. This will also allow us to get good lighting and saves us having to be too worried about it being too dark. Doing the filming during the day will also work to good effect by everything being better visually. For example i think i would work really well and it would also offer a contrast to the final scene which is during the night. the picture below shows just the lighting that i think would work well. Especially since the cameras we have would not be easy to get the right light in the dark. This kind of light works really well as it shows the audience roughly what time of day it is and they can relate to this.

The next scene is going to be in a warehouse. We are not sure exactly what it will look like inside of this warehouse but we know that we could make it very effective by getting the lighting right. we have to take into consideration the time that it would have taken for the main to get from the forest to the warehouse. So that it is not dark outside if it was light 30 Min's ago. However the warehouse should be dark and gloomy giving it a sense of mystery. we may even want to consider throwing in something superstitious on the walls of the warehouse. For example showing perhaps 3:13 on one of the walls as the main twist6s and turns his head. the main character will not be aware of anything around him however we could engage the audience further if they see something that the main character does not see. looking at the picture below, something like this would be ideal. A dark, abandoned warehouse with a light in the middle would be ideal as it makes the focus on the Main character tied down and blindfolded in the middle of the empty warehouse.

The next scene is in a bedroom where the main character wakes up as if nothing ever happened, turns to his clock and sees the number 3:13. The man will be waking up in the middle of the night so it is important that we get the lighting right. we could do this by the main character simply turning on a light on his bed side table. Though this would take away some of the Thrilling aspects it would allow the audience to see that this is not a horror. The camera shot of the bed may be a aerial shot however that would be hard to perform as it would not be able to stay still as well as making the lighting very hard to do.

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