Tuesday 6 December 2011

Jaws Opening Credits

Jaws Opening Scene (embedding disabled by request)

Having watched the opening credits of jaws i was shocked to see a very simple credit and title design for such a big budget film. the credits were all very simple looking yet so effective as it had a sense of mystery about it. The title 'JAWS' is done is capitals and has a unique look about it, however it has all been done for a good reason. In this case to mislead the audience in making them think its a simple film that's been done before. the credits are written in blue which is used to show that the film is based on some sort of marine animal in this case a great white shark.the credits finish shorty after the underwater clip. which is significant as it shows it is not very important to the rest of the film because then they wouldn't put the credits over it. However its an effective scene to put the credits on as nothing is happening.

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