Sunday 4 December 2011

Analysing first 5 minutes of Die Hard 4.0

This film came on while i was watching TV.  At first i had thought that die hard was merely an action film but after watching the first 5 minutes of this film it had me wanting to watch all of it. This is a thriller due to the fact that there are multiple jump cuts. This was used to show different people in different places whilst not revealing much about them. This is something that we could do for our thriller opening. This technique is very effective as it tells the audience that they are doing something which they shouldn't be. Probably something to do with government papers as they are getting through firewalls and  passwords. It lest the audience have make conclusions from a very short bit of the film.

After a conversation between the head of FBI and a lower ranking female in the middle of the pentagon an establishing shot is used to focus on a car. When soon the main character, who is Bruce Willis, pulls someone out of the car and an argument begins. During the credits something of importance is happening but the audience do not find out a lot about it. when the credits are over a new scene begins but its different. these are all things that we could use in out thriller opening.

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