Sunday 11 December 2011


I have learnt many things throughout this process mainly from our preliminary task. From our preliminary task i have understood how important it is to use a tripod, it is significantly supreme to hand-held. I have also learnt the importance of the use of the 180 degree rule, stating only the use of 180 degrees when filming two characters in dialogue. I also learnt a lot of the basic editing whilst using Final Cut, this is the best piece of progress I could have as it should really help out when it comes to editing the real opening 2m to a Thriller.

Besides the preliminary task i have learnt a lot through analysing the opening credits and scene to well-known Thrillers. I have learnt the ways in which they use correct font and great settings in an attempt to set the normal Thriller scene. I have also done research into fonts we could use and names/locations/techniques that we could include in our opening Thriller scene.

In conclusion I believe I have picked up great techniques and incredibly helpful knowledge that is needed to help create a effective and interesting Thriller opening scene.

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