Wednesday 14 December 2011

Costume and Props ideas

Seeing as we are making a psychological thriller it is important  not to reveal too much in the opening minutes. Having watched a few thrillers such a s Alfred Hitchcock's psycho we have decided to think carefully about the costumes we use. For example the main character is going to be wearing a suit. This will immediately bring the audience to question why he is wearing a suit. The idea of wearing a suit will make the audience think that he is upper class. the fact that he is going to be walking through a pathway through a woods in a suit is quite odd. what we want is for the audience to question the film. Another way we are going to do this is by  using  the numbers 3:13. We will use these numbers effectively by making them briefly appear through the dream sequence and then as josh wakes up during the middle of the night to see what the time is it's 3:13. The use of a baseball bat will be something to attract the audience as they will want to know what its going to be used for. They will relate it to being  a weapon due to the circumstances. However we can play on this in many ways.

I have though of an effective opening scene. we should begin with a simple zoom on a persons feet while they are walking. then the screen is blacked out and credits are shown including production companies (Ling companies). The shot that follows is again a persons feet while walking. this will all add to a build up in suspense as the character is kept hidden. the audience will begin to draw conclusions and judge what they see based solely on what shoes the person is wearing. this is good as we can then use this to create a very good First 2 minutes of a thriller film.

3:13 is a only a number however after you have seen the opening of our film it will not just be a number. you will associate it with things. we have chosen to play on numbers as it will work great for our psychological thriller, that thrives on superstitious things such as the number 13 and crows or black cats.

One prop that e are going to be using is a van. this van is what the main character will be transported in from the forest where he was attacked to the warehouse where he is kept. the van will b great as it is often seen as a vehicle used for smuggling drugs as well as being ideal for kidnappings. The van will play a huge role in making the thriller opening believable. Vans are often seen to be harmless however people can relate to them being great for transporting things whilst keeping it hidden. Having a van will work well as they have seen van being used for this kind of things before.

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