Wednesday 28 December 2011


Lighting is obviously a key feature for our opening Thriller scene as a lot of people don't realise the importance level lighting holds in setting the scene. For example coupled with a forest setting, if it is dark, it ensures the audience this is mysterious scene being set.

I think the lighting we will use, firstly for the all round day or night time light. I think it would be best if we filmed in the evening just as it is beginning to get dark, which implies, the end of the day and where night begins so does a level of insecurity and mystery. So I think for the part the character is walking through the woods, i believe we should film, just as it begins to get dark.

In the scene in the warehouse, i think the lights should be very dark around the corners of the room, this well help the audience feel wary of the place and whats about to happen within it. However in the centre of the room, where the character tied up is, there will one distinctive bright light shining down on him. This will lead to the audience feeling for the character tied up as he is the light one, and lets the audience know who the villains are because they are represented by dark and shadowed lighting.

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