Wednesday 28 December 2011

Lighting& Location

Lighting will be very important in our opening of the thriller film because it will set the scene, it gives the audience an idea of how dark the film is going to be and what type of thriller it will be. In one of the scenes we will have to use natural lighting because it will be filmed outside. The other two scenes we will have the chance to use lights.

The first scene will be filmed in a gloomy forest and we aim to film it later in the afternoon when its getting dark, but we still we need to have some natural lighting so the audience can see what the character is doing. The lighting we use for this scene will set a mysterious scene and the audience will not know what is happening.

The second scene is going to be set in a empty cheerless warehouse. The corners of the room will be dark but the character that has been tied up is going to be centred in the middle of the room . With one of the lights from the warehouse shining onto him. The warehouse is going to be very dark and gloomy.

The third and final scene will be set in bedroom where the character will be waking up in the middle in the of the night. We will have to make it dark as its the middle of the night but we will need to have some light to film in. We could perhaps have lighting flashing through the curtains lighting up the room to give some light this will  make the opening sequence more thrilling. Also the character will use his phone and his alarm clock which will both provide light.

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