Thursday 8 December 2011

Idea 2 Opening Scene (In-Depth)

I wanted to do a short amount of work just understanding how to go more in depth to the opening of a Thriller film. The beginning of the opening scene would include very slow paced elements, slow, calming music. Credits would begin to fade in and out and the camera would have a great attention to establish the scene and whats going on, no other real focus beside the surroundings. The middle of the opening scene would be more sharp sounds would begin and the music tempo would increase as the camera begins to focus on a specific character running, She will be out of breathe in a panic, the audience will be confused with the mystery of this opening scene, want to continue watching. A blacked out shadowed man is chasing her. She then runs into a dead end, close-up on he facial expressions, worried. All sounds stop, she turns around and begins to look for the villain in silence, this helps build tension and suspense. At the end she begins to hear noises, looks around for where there coming from. Tension building music begins and as suspense is built up to a peak, the villain runs from begins and grabs her. A loud and very alarming sound, cuts to black screen and title slowly fades in.

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