Wednesday 28 December 2011


Props are very important for our opening Thriller scene as they help make up the screenplay. We have to make our props very accurate to help create a character and inform the audience of their nature and more importantly for Thrillers, props help show who the character is, 'vulnerable' 'villain' 'hero' 'wrong place, wrong time'.

I think one prop that should be used for our 'business man character' is a very smart well-known expensive phone, perhaps a iPhone or Blackberry. This coupled with the smart clothes the character will be wearing will give him the higher class, business man stereotypical look.

Another few props that will be used in the scene in the warehouse include a chair and bright light shining down on the character sitting the chair. This will create the classic torture scene, a vulnerable individual that is being tormented by a mysterious group of 'villains'.

A final set of props that is important to use in our opening Thriller scene is the weapons the villain characters are equipped with in the warehouse scene. We think that instead of the usual weapons, guns. Instead we will use more torture associated weapons. Its important to not go as far as the psychotic weapons such as chain saw, nail gun etc, but maybe a baseball bat to represent pure brutality and instead of a small knife perhaps a bread knife. This will help really create realism for our characters and begin to bring them to life inside the heads of our audience.

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