Tuesday 21 February 2012

Evaluation question

 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products ?


We decided that we should use something that we had seen previously in another thriller film. In jaws they have used the beginning to include credits and then a suspense part is used where music is playing. At the end of this scene the title comes up. Almost all of the thriller film that we have looked at have used this technique.We though we should use this as it will add to the suspense. We have used the idea of having the title come straight after the start. The idea of this is that a sequence of suspense is used and straight after the title is shown. This is because the title relates to the sequence that was just shown. Including the title at the start of the film after a short sequence of clips we have made the title seem more important and it will make the title be remembered as well as it always being in the back of there minds. They will relate to the title trough out the film.

 Another idea that we have used was the idea o dreams. We were inspired by the film inception. Inception plays on the idea of living in your dreams. We thought that if we used this it would work very well because we have played on the theme of dreams by making it seem as if the opening sequence is happening until the end of the first 2 minutes when the main character wakes up. we play on the idea of reliving a dream through reality. This is going to draw in a large audience because many people like the theme of dreams in a psychological thriller. The audience will be able to relate to times when they have relived events which they didn't know had or were going to happen through deja vu. This is why they feel they have to see the film because they like dreams and want to know more about it. In our thriller film we have a focus on a dream that the character experiences at the start of the films. the audience will relate to the opening sequence throughout because the main relives his dream in reality. 


Another convention that we have developed effectively is the fade out of music. What exactly it is we have done is taken an idea we saw in a film called attack the block and developed it in our thriller film. As the main character stops and takes his headphones out the music fades out.  We have developed it by fading the music back in as he puts the headphones back in his ears. It works very well as the audience feel and see why exactly the music is coming back in. As seen below is a clip from attack the block which is what inspired us to not only use but develop as well. It has been developed because we have decided that we should fade the music back in as he puts the headphones back in. This works to great effect as the audience feel like they are part of the film. It has been well

Another convention that we have developed is the sound, in other words the music which is used. We used a sounds file called 'ice shiv' its a drum and base style music. It is not usually related to thriller films however it works well in our opening scene which is why it has been developed because it works to good effect.Its fast paced which means that it works very well with the actions and movements in our opening scene because it is used to build tension.  


Something that we have challenged in our thriller opening is the idea of the chase happening in a forest when the men in suits are running in a forest trying to catch up to the main character. The idea of men in suits chasing someone through a forest was something that we liked the sounds of, and thought would seem intriguing. It has been challenged because seeing a chase in a  forest where the antagonists are wearing suits is not normal. The film that inspired us was inception. The chase scene in this film is ordinary as it has been seen many times before however we have decided to develop that and use a chase scene though a forest which works well, as it adds to the mysterious tension that is built in the opening of the thriller. The mise en scene plays a big role in the film and by challenging the idea of having two men running in suits in a forest we effectively draw the audience in. as it is not the normal thing to see.

A convention that we have challenged was the idea of the opening sequence being similar to that of a action film. We decided that this would challenge the audience in a way that they would be made to think and start to ask questions. Its the idea of not having the normal opening sequence that most thriller film would have, but  working with making it a fast chase instead. We have efficiently done this by the use of fast paced music and lots of close ups. We showed more elements of a action film making the audience feel involved and urges them to keep watching. We have challenged it so well by using an action film type opening sequence which then turn into the psychological thriller that we wanted it to be. The chase scene will relate to many parts of the film, which is why it is so important to the rest of the film and its plot.The idea of this will cause the audience to be dragged in and keep them on the edge of there seats for the duration of the whole film.

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

 3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why ?


4.Who would be the audience for your media product ?

This Post will summarise what kind of person would be the ideal audience member for our thriller film.


The ideal age for someone going to see 3:13 would be between the age of 15-25. This is because it would certainly not be suitable for anyone younger than the age of 15 and anyone who is older the age of 25 will not find it as appealing as someone within the specified range would. It appeals to this age group because the film contains scenes showing drug use and violence. Someone who is older would find some of the scenes in this film inappropriate due to them not having seen it before because it wouldn't have been allowed to be shown in cinemas in when they were younger.


The class that our thriller film is aimed at are those who are middle and lower class. This is because of the content of the film. This film is not something that higher class people would watch and enjoy because they would not be able to relate to it. The film contains a lot of violence, and is something that a middle classed person would watch because they can relate to some of the things that will be seen in our thriller film. The gang warfare that our thriller film is based around is would appeal more to middle classed people.


The ideal audience member would be a male, this is because the story evolves around males and the violent aspect of a males life living in a suburban area. This is why it appeals mostly to males however some females may find this film appealing if they had grown up under similar circumstances.


Our thriller film is based in the suburbs of London. The specified location is Brixton. Having been raised in London the main character has recently moved into a flat and is experiencing a range of violent behavior in his new neighborhood. Someone who was raised in London will be able to relate to this. 

Interests and Hobbies

The interests that the ideal audience member should have would be spending a lot of time on social networking sites as well as playing video games such as Xbox and ps3. They should also be interested in violent films and films involving gang warfare. A social person who enjoys going out and spends a lot of time with there friends.


The ideal audience member is someone who believes in showing respect to those who deserves it and is someone who will stand up for what they believe. Not someone who spends a lot of time praying and going to church.


Someone who spends money on themselves and mostly on there car and other personal items i.e. phones, pads and vehicles. Spend time and money improving there personal image by often getting haircuts.

Location-Apartment in London
Interests-cars,music and socializing

 5. How did you attract/address your audience?


6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product ?

In order for us to get the music that we wanted to use as the background music we had to import the files from a website called 'FreeplayMusic'. It was from this website that we found 'ice shiv' this is the music that plays during a large proportion of time in our thriller opening. I now know how to export a media file and then import it into final cut express.

 We used a presentation making website called Prezi. It is something that i did not know how to use but now feel comfortable using it. I am now able to quickly make a presentation by using prezi. I know how to easily and efficiently construct a professional looking presentation.

During the making of our product i was able to learn new things about all kinds of software and programs. For example i am now able to effectively use final cut express as well as Photoshop to create logos. I also have learnt new skills using things like blogger and now know how to upload clips into YouTube.

This screen shot shows me using Final cut express. This is towards the end of the product as it is very nearly finished. I am now able to use fades appropriately both using the audio as well as cross fading scenes. I am now able to modify and use effects where they will work well. I now find Final cut quite simple to use and am confident in editing both the audio and the visual material to good effect.

In this picture i am using the apple Mac and more specifically final cut express. I have already spoken about the simplicity of it. However i feel i need to re-iterate my previous points by saying that i now feel i would be able to do almost all of the editing my self were we to make another thriller opening.

Here i am using the camera, now this is not the best video camera in the world. However it was good in a way that it was also simple to use and the resolution was in fact quite good. After it had been exported from the camera and i had transferred it onto the mac ready to be edited.

This is a shot of us as a group setting up the tripod ready to do some filming. the tri-pod was something that we used for 98% of our shots as we felt a steadier shot meant a more professional shot. However a hand held camera shot was used and it added to the suspense as it was used effectively, in the point of view of the main character.

7. Looking back at your preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product.

The preliminary task has annotations which shows the things that we would use in the opening part of our thriller. Things that we thought were good and bad have been highlighted and annotated clearly. This preliminary footage has been analysed carefully and we have used some of the shots and camera angles in our final product.

The video below shows our final product and you will be able to see some of the things that we have taken from the preliminary task and used in our final product. See annotations for question 7.

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